Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
AlphaRexPlus.nxc | Obligatory lego mindstorms nxt alpharex program |
Angle.nxc | Provides simple arithmetic for absolute and relative angles |
CaliberateMotors.nxc | Motor setup caliberation utilities |
Circle.nxc | Circle geometry operations |
Debug.nxc | Debugging utility macros |
Example.nxc | |
FiltersTest.nxc | A simple test program for testing high/low filters |
HighPassFilter.nxc | High Pass filter implementation |
KalmanFilter.nxc | Kalman Filter implementation for multidimentional state vector |
LowPassFilter.nxc | Low Pass filter implementation |
Map.nxc | A 2D map implementation that holds a set of landmark objects |
Matrix.nxc | Integer matrix implementation. Provides matrix algebra, cofactor, adjugate and inverse computation |
Motor.nxc | Motor control implementation |
Odometer2.nxc | Implements odometery for 2 wheels drive robot base using motor tachometers |
PID.nxc | Generic PID controller implementation |
RandomNorm.nxc | Normally distributed (Gaussian distribution) random number function |
RobotPrima.nxc | An experimental robotic platform for developing this library |
Sampler.nxc | A sampler to sample a stream of inputs at periodic interval |
Screen.nxc | Display functions for text and graphs |
Sonar.nxc | Sonar implementation with an ultrasonic sensor, optionally mounted on a sweep motor |
Vector.nxc | A simple 3-components vector implementation (2D point + direction) |
Vehicle.nxc | A simple 2 wheels drive vehicle implementation that can travel a set of navigation points |